Have you ever seen a movie that was based on a book? I have seen a few that were okay, but there are some novels that I think would be really cool as movies. One of them is Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony by Eoin Colfer. It would be wonderful as a movie for many, many reasons, but a few seem like the best.
First, Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony has interesting and exciting characters. For example, it has eight entire races of fairies who live underground and in another dimension. There is also a boy genius, Artemis Fowl, and Butler, the highly trained bodyguard of Artemis. To top it all, most of the fairies have magical powers that can heal and control people. All of them together would make an excellent cast of characters for a movie and another book, but they work together best in Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony.
Its amazing plot is the second reason that Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony would be great as a movie. The whole thing is about a time spell unraveling and the cast of characters trying to save the demons who created the spell. If they fail, the demon tribes of Hydras will pop up on Earth and face extinction from the humans or be blasted into space and never seen again. This is made way more complicated because there is another child genius who wants a demon for herself, not realizing it could affect mankind forever by exposing fairies to humans. This story ends in a huge surprise, so read Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony to find out how this amazing plot ends.
Before you go off and read it, however, my final reason that this book should be a movie is that it has many technological things very advanced from what we have today. My favorite is the iris cam, invented by Foaly, the tech centaur. The iris cam is a fake contact that can record video and switch to night vision or x-ray vision. Another one I like is the shimmer suit. It is a special suit designed by Foaly to have all sorts of functions including air conditioning, built in wings, and cam foil, which makes you almost invisible. Foaly has made hundreds of other gadgets and gizmos, but those are the ones used the most and that would be really cool brought to life!
All in all, Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony would be an excellent book to make into a movie. Check out the link below to buy it now from Amazon. I know you will love the ending and the rest of the book, too.
All in all, Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony would be an excellent book to make into a movie. Check out the link below to buy it now from Amazon. I know you will love the ending and the rest of the book, too.
Thomas Lee, Waccamaw Intermediate
Buy this book now for your Kindle! It's awesome!!!