Love, Aubrey

Love, Aubrey was a great book. Love, Aubrey is by Suzanne Lafleur. Suzanne has only written two books so far :Love, Aubrey and Eight Keys. Love, Aubrey was about a girl that survived a car accident when her sister, Savannah, and father did not. Her mother also did. Later on her mother abandoned her. Then, she went to live with her grandmother. The next door neighbor, Bridget, was her age and they soon became great friends. She has to do counseling at her school. She starts writing to Savannah's imaginary friend, Jilly. There is a tree that Bridget and Aubrey found and when Aubrey writes Jilly she puts the letters on the tree. Bridget and Aubrey play a lot of games and Bridget's little sister always wants to play too. Bridget says no but Aubrey says yes because she wants her to enjoy her while she can. Then near the ending of the book they found out where her mother was and her mother was very sorry. And by the end of the book, the last note she writes in this book, Aubrey wrote her mom.

Elizabeth Exum, 7th Grade, Lowcountry Prep School