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I Am From
I am from Maryland and South Carolina
I am from a small town
From Tanea calling me a farming tree
From playing sports year-round
I am from watching baton competition
From telling my sister which place to go
I am from the beach and the snow
From baking with my grandma
To Poppy's great breakfasts
I am from doing scoreboard at volleyball games
I am from eating jelly and buttered toast
From hearing "wash your hands..."
I am from playing old arcade video games and pinball with my dad
I am from trips back to Maryland
I am from splashing in the pool with my grandpa
And playing on the swing set
I am from walking to the point
Just to play in the water
I am from playing in the pluff mud to play clams
I am from Maryland and South Carolina.
by Josie Mangialardo, Lowcountry Prep School
Awesome poem, Josie! Keep writing! Top